Tuition Information
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Payment of Tuition and Other Charges
By registering for class, students acknowledge that they are entering into a legally binding contract to pay all tuition and fees, including late fees and service charges on past due accounts as well as collection and legal fees incurred in the collection of unpaid accounts referred to an outside agency for collection.
Tuition, fees, insurance, and bookstore charges are charged to the student’s Workday account & can be reviewed using the Finance Icon. Students will receive a notification via email, & workday when charges post. The Office of Student Accounting will utilize the Finance Icon Banner to notify students of changes. Please check your email, Workday notifications & Finance Icon Banner regularly. Please note there are several job aids in Workday that can assist you with navigating Workday. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to the Office of Student Accounting.
Tuition due dates will vary depending on your term, please check your Workday accounts for final due dates. The Office of Student Accounting does not offer payment plans.
Students who plan for financial aid to pay their accounts are expected to finalize their application and other obligations in time for their aid to be disbursed by the payment deadlines. Failure to do so may result in the penalties outlined below.
The penalties for not paying tuition and related charges on time are as follows:
- The account will be considered delinquent, and the student’s records placed on hold.
- The student will not be allowed to register for another academic term until the account is paid in full.
- If graduating, the student will not be allowed to receive their diploma until the account is paid in full.
- Accounts unpaid by the end of the semester may be referred to an outside collection agency, reported to the credit bureaus, and incur collection fees unless satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. If the student fails to make the arranged payments, the account will then be turned over to the collection agency as outlined above.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Accounting.